- The Theology of David based on his life and writings - Classical theologians will be guaranteed to be disappointed. David was not a theologian but his theology is rich in covenant-relationship details and nuances. Note that David's ONLY Bible (The Word of God) was the Torah and NOTHING else. We will discuss the implications of Cannon and Inerrancy in an appendix as we reflect on David's RICH theology and UTTER LACK of seminary. We will discuss why Matthew's Sermon on the Mount was a pinnacle in explaining God's previous Jewish theocracy as a model for the Christian's "Kingdom of God" concepts.
- Understanding God in the New Testament in the light of the Old Testament (not a reversal of progressive revelation) - The NT's position in progressive revelation was not to demonstrate Divine sovereignty and glory but to explain God's love and His passionate desire for relationship and how then should man live - not as Israel lived. We will attempt to explain why the very words of God HAVE to be interpreted ONLY in the light of God's heart (the ultimate meaning of context). This is why predestination as understood today, for example, in most classical circles is a wrong concept because it is a "words-oriented" concept and not a "heart-oriented" or "context-oriented" concept.
- A Systematic Theology based on Covenant-Relationship - a theology that attempts to paint a better picture of the God of Israel, where sovereignty is placed in its rightful place - infinitesimally LOWER than God's unfailing love. Discusses how omni-competence, not omnipotence, is the greatest manifestation of divine sovereignty. Discusses the confusing concept of the hypostatic union of the divine and human nature of Christ. Discusses the implications of such a theology on a Christian's walk in a Kingdom (Sermon on the Mount) context.
- Supernatural Knowledge, Wisdom and Faith - discuss that both Wisdom AND Faith are the application of Knowledge, that both Faith and Wisdom cannot be forced but only arise out of the intensity and passion of Knowledge
- The Promises of God in Context - A refutation of the general censure of the Health and Wealth gospel, that it is a biblical truth in the proper context and that God's promises cannot be hit-or-miss or 50/50 when real faith works in the right context. Also explore how classical "no-risk" theology has practically destroyed the exercise of true faith
- Created in God's Image - A real risk to God and the real repercussions to man
- Revisiting Karl Barth - a theologian with the right postulates but wrong explanations
- Analysis of David's life and testimony and how his life and character reflects the Kingdom-mindedness of the Sermon on the Mount
- Security of Salvation based on a Covenant-Relationship perspective. What is really permanent and what is not?
The Institute of Covenant-Relationship Theology (More precisely)
2 Corinthians 4:1-6. Ever tried to zero in on your personal theology? Unsatisfied with Calvinism nor Arminianism as extremes,but finding difficulty articulating what is neither? This is the site for that middle ground. Finally, we have a logical system to shame the extremes. Read on and be liberated from the shackles of classical theology. Indeed, "the Truth shall set you free!" We always ask, "What saith the Lord?"
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Titles of Books I would like to write about
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