Friday, December 14, 2007

The Major Failure of Classical Thought

Classical Theology which is deeply rooted in Greek philosophy must be declared for what it really is... a Pagan view of Judeo-Christian concepts.

For example, let us take the concept of the Trinity. Classical theology after ALL the mumbo-jumbo in their literature concludes that this is a mystery.

They do not realize the implications of conclusions like this. Firstly, it is a violation of the Pauline principle of completeness or adequacy of revelation in 2 Timothy 3:16,17. Hence, it is a rejection of a clear revelation from God.

Secondly, it is arbitrary to declare a portion of Scripture a mystery unless, the writer (like Paul) actually declares it a mystery. Note that the Trinity has never been declared a mystery in ANY part of Scripture. It is utter arrogance to declare as mystery, something that the Bible doesn't, and vice versa. But even the Pauline concept of mystery means that although it was previously hidden, it is now manifested and declared through the gospel of Christ (Mark 4:11; Romans 11:25; 16:25; 1 Cor. 2:7; 15:51; Eph 1:9; 3:1,3,4,8,9,14; 5:32; 6:19; Col 1:26,27; 2:2; 4:3; 1 Tim 3:9,14,16; Revelation 1:20)

Thirdly, the viewpoint for declaring a concept like the Trinity as mystery is simply Greek and pagan. The Jews and first century Christians never questioned the concept but accepted it.

How do we then synthesize and rationalize the concept properly from a non-Pagan (and perhaps, Jewish) perspective? The answer is to declare that the concept of Trinity is the concept of the One-God of Scripture. The Jews accepted this concept as definitional. In other words, they had nothing to compare this with in their previous philosophies and hence they accepted the Triune God as definitional.

This means that the ONLY reason the modern Christian is confused about the Trinity is because of the influences of neo-Platonic Greek philosophical concepts (which unfortunately also dominated the thinking of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas). Modern "Greek" Christians have SOMETHING to compare the Trinity with. They have a concept of what ONE God should be and a concept of THREE persons should be and are therefore left in a state of confusion as to how to comprehend the Trinity as the ONE God.

The Old and New Testament Jews, on the other hand, had no issues. The Trinity was accepted as the Divine Definition of THE ONE God, even if they did not coin nor use such a terminology!!! They worshipped the One True God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (Exodus 3:6), the "I AM" (Exodus 3:14),the Object of the Hebrew Tetragrammaton - YHWH, but they new that He has a Son (Daniel 3:25; 7:13; Proverbs 30:4) who is also worthy of worship.
That's it!!! Nothing MORE, Nothing LESS.

Biblically, therefore, if one were to ask you how do you describe the ONE God of the Bible, you say, "Easy....The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit"!!!

The major failure of most of classical theology is definitional. Read how they define predestination, foreknowledge, God's will, prayer, evangelism and a Biblical observer will easily sense that perhaps they are reading a different Bible.

A Biblical Christian should NEVER hesitate to say that our One God ARE three beings of identical nature. To the one-ness folks, you are wrong in saying there is only one being. Check Matt 20:23 for example. Note that Christ is declaring here that He does NOT HAVE the RIGHT. So He is most definitely distinct for the Father. However, in no way does He concede that He does not have the same attributes as the Father.

For the classical theologian, forget the mambo-jambo convoluted way you define three persons and declare this as a mystery that boggles the mind. Simply digest that the 3 person or 3 being God of the Bible is THE ONE GOD of Israel.

For those of you who still cannot get are still thinking Greek!

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