Wednesday, September 30, 2009

CrossCulture Mission Statement

We seek to build a community of believers within the Greater West Covina area and surrounding cities and communities that will deliberately seek to know and understand God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as revealed in and through Scripture in a very personal way, live and practice being Kingdom-minded with Kingdom values according to Christ's Sermon on the Mount, obey the Greatest Commandment as a way of life. This culture is what we call Cross-culture.

It's intellectual foundation is the Bible which is the basis and source of knowledge for understanding and experiencing true personal and corporate relationship with God and as seen and understood through the eyes of a Jew like the Apostles. It's social thrust will primarily be based on attracting the world to Christ and the Kingdom of God through this kind of culture and by presenting the gospel of salvation through Christ in a truthful and simple way, letting the Holy Spirit have His way as to timing and level of conviction. We win the world to Christ by WHO WE ARE and not WHAT we DO or SAY and, "if necessary, use words" per St. Francis of Assisi

All commands of Christ in the New Testament and all commands of God in the Old Testament that have not been superceded nor revoked in the New Testament are to be obeyed as evidence of devotion to Christ, not in a legalistic "keep your nose clean" sense, but in a relational "Is who I am based on what I am doing, pleasing my Lord?" sense.

...[work in progress]...

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