Friday, December 8, 2017

SOLA GRACIA is a FALSE gospel.

The Bible clearly states that God gives GRACE TO ALL, in fact, the WHOLE WORLD. Despite that, the whole world IS NOT SAVED.

However, the Bible also clearly declares over and over again that ONLY THOSE who exercise or practice the RIGHT KIND OF FAITH (the same quality of faith that Abraham had [Romans 4]) in response to God's grace, are truly saved.

Logically, either we are saved by faith alone or saved by grace alone. It is an oxymoron to use "alone" if there are more than one. Paul, in the book of Romans, emphasized grace only to point out that salvation cannot be earned. Other than that he emphasized faith and mentions Abraham as the father of faith. James also states that "Abraham was justified by works". The only way we can synthesize this seeming contradiction is to articulate that the true faith that justifies the sinner is faith proven by [good] works where [good] works should be defined BIBLICALLY as ANYTHING (action, behavior, character, words, mindset) THAT PLEASES GOD [and NOT necessarily what is good in our own opinion]. Cain offered to God his BEST fruits, i.e., BEST in his own opinion, but did that please God???

Ephesians 2:8 should be rendered "Because of God's grace, we are saved through faith..."

Hence, Martin Luther had it right: SOLA FIDE!!! SOLA SCRIPTURA!!!

Let us be careful NOT to add anything to it, NO MATTER HOW FANCY IT MAY SOUND.

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