Sunday, November 3, 2019

The Ten Commandments: #6 - Murder

We summarize the true substance of each of the commandments which we have been discussing one commandment at a time at our Deep Dive studies.

The SIXTH COMMANDMENT: Exodus 20:13, "You should not murder"

The following are the flavors of what this commandment really means based on our cross-reference examples of how it is obeyed and how it is disobeyed.
  • You should not murder - Exodus 20:13: Deuteronomy 5:17
  • What is considered murder? Killing another person with premeditation. The biblical punishment was death. Manslaughter, killing someone without premeditation, is not punishable by death. Hence, suicide is NOT murder and has never been considered as such in the Bible and in any culture. In fact, harakiri (the Japanese version of suicide) was considered honorable. The kamikazi pilots of world war II were considered heroes by the Japanese. Suicide for Christians, however, violate the third commandment because they shame the name of God as insufficient to keep on living in this world.
  • Matthew 5:20-24. Kingdom people should always exceed the righteousness of the Pharisees. Thus, according to Christ, various forms of anger and hatred including name-calling are murder committed in the heart. 
  • Matthew 15:10-20 - God looks at the heart, it's intentions, inclinations and preoccupations and he makes his judgments based on the heart of a man and does not need to wait for his actions.
  • VIP (Very Important Point, a slight digression): Matthew 19:16-30; Luke 18:18-30 – What use is obedience to the Ten Commandments (including 'Do not murder') if we do not love Christ enough to be able to give up everything for him? Most preaching on this passage ERRONEOUSLY point out that this is a call to discipleship? However, it is quite obvious that the topic is ETERNAL LIFE! That was the rich young ruler's question. The disciples even asked, "Who then can be SAVED?" and Jesus concluded that those who have given up everything will inherit eternal life! That means that those who cannot give up everything will NOT inherit eternal life. Therefore, THIS PASSAGE IS A CALL TO SALVATION, no more no less.
  • Romans 13:9 - Loving your neighbor is what prevents this sin.
  • James 2:1-12 - We have to fulfill the whole law or be guilty of ALL. Even the sin of partiality is as BAD as MURDER according to the principle discussed by James
  • 1 John 3:14-15; 1 John 2:11; 4:20 - Hating your Kingdom brother is MURDER. Since this was mentioned by James and John at least 4 times in Scripture we have to consider this as GOD SHOUTING this principle!
  • The REAL ISSUE: Galatians 5:18-25; Ephesians 4:26,31-32; Colossians 3:5-10; James 1:19-20. THE REAL ISSUE IS ANGER. Unsettled anger produces darkness in the heart and soul. It could also cost us our salvation!
  • The DEEPER ISSUE: Matthew 6:14-15; Mark 11:25; Luke 11:4; Matthew 6:12. THE DEEPER ISSUE IS LACK OF FORGIVENESS. Not that the lack of forgiveness will cost you eternal life.

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