Sunday, November 17, 2019

The Ten Commandments paraphrased by CrossCulture Deep Dive

The Ten Commandments paraphrased by Deep Dive at the CrossCulture Community:
  1. GOD ONLY: We should have no other priorities by God. If we are his people, there should be no other priorities on our list other than those given by God.
  2. CREATE IDOLS: Don’t create your own God then worship it. We should MAKE SURE we worship the RIGHT God as revealed in Scripture.
  3. BEAR THE NAME OF GOD: We should let our walk be consistent with our talk. If we claim to be Christian, our life should be Christ-like. Otherwise, we shame the Name of God.
  4. SABBATH: A Kingdom child is counter-culture – we are set apart in belief and practice. God separated you from the world. Now, you should separate the world from yourself. God created in six days. Evolution is false science.
  5. PARENTS: We should love our neighbor as ourselves and that starts with honoring our parents (Leviticus 19:3-18). Honoring authority helps us honor God, the absolute authority
  6. MURDER: The real issue on murder is anger or hatred. The deeper issue on anger is forgiveness or lack of forgiveness. Christ emphatically stated that lack of forgiveness will EXCLUDE us from the forgiveness of God (Matthew 6:14-15)
  7. ADULTERY: As bad as murder in God’s eyes. The deeper issue is how God looks at his people when God is not their only priority. James 4:1-4 cf Ezekiel 16, 23
  8. STEALING: As bad as murder in God’s eyes. Includes delaying and/or withholding what is due, defrauding or cheating to withhold or possess what is somebody else’s, .
  9. FALSE WITNESS: Harming your neighbor by deception or lying. Lying in itself is not bearing false witness (Rahab in Joshua 2 and Corie Ten Boom). Habitual lying for self-centered reasons is one of the 7 deadly sins in Proverbs 6:16-18; 12:22:. Hiding your hatred (Proverbs 10:18)
  10. COVET: Lit. “selfishly desire with the intention to grab or actually possess”. Covetousness is the Biblical sign that you love the world more than the kingdom of God (Luke 12:15: James 4:2-4). Causes us to waste life on wrong focus.

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