Friday, March 6, 2020

Bible Interpretation: An Introduction

Biblical Hermeneutics, the art and science of interpreting Scripture is a fascinating discipline, yet often taken for granted even by seasoned preachers and ironically, theologians. Such a subject we might never pursue at Deep Dive yet we consciously or unconsciously use or misuse its principles.

Can we ever interpret the Bible correctly? Why then are there diverse and even opposing interpretations even from renown scholars?  Why do opposing views claim that the other is wrong? Are there principles that will help us into the right direction or the correct interpretation?

Faith comes not exactly by just hearing the word of God but also by correctly understanding it. If the basis for faith is a wrong interpretation, it can never work! Why? Because that is not what God meant when he declared those words and that interpretation cannot be THE WORD of God.

The goal of interpreting any document is to get into the mind of the author or authors. This is because most documents are intellectual. It should be similar to the goal of interpreting the Bible. However, there is one essential piece missing and missing this is what produces cultic interpretations. The Bible is not only a source of intellectual information but like any love letter, it can only be interpreted correctly if we get into both the heart and mind of the author. The goal, therefore, of interpreting Scripture is seeking the mind and HEART of God. 

God's revelation is not a conglomeration of information and things to do or believe.  Because importantly and primarily, it is God's blueprint for relationship. And relationship has heart.

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