Friday, September 13, 2019

Lost in Translation #1 - The Sabbath Commandment

"I go to church, so I don't violate the 4th commandment to Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy."
Really? If it were so easy to follow or obey the Ten Commandments, then majority of people could easily go to heaven! But that contradicts what Christ declared in Matthew 7:13.14. Just the opposite. Why? Because it it's not that easy.

In fact, Going to church CAN INSULT the 4th commandment! Membership in a church or denomination CAN PROFANE the 4th commandment! In fact, even being a priest, a nun, a monk or a pastor can QUITE EASILY VIOLATE the 3rd commandment, "Do not bear the name of the Lord in vain".
Confused? Yes, YOU HAVE TO BE CONFUSED if you grew up under "western Christianity" swallowing the half-truth of simply receiving Christ as your Savior to get God's favor!
Join our Sunday worship and Deep Dive sessions  at CrossCulture West Covina (see Facebook) and get the full gospel. Let's discuss!

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